Hello everyone
I just wanted to talk to everyone about the commitment required of taking on a plot at the allotment.
I have now been with the Parc-an-Colan allotments for five years.
Over that time, I have seen many plots fall into decline because people don't realise how much commitment and energy it takes to maintain their plot.
I thought that it would be a piece of cake, a bit of digging, a bit of planting, and loads of lovely fruit and veg.
I had that romantic view of the allotment, that it would be like the TV series, the Good Life.
However, Lesley my wife, did warn me, it’s not going to be easy, but being a typical man, I ignored her advice, I thought it would be easy.
How wrong was I.
I think after the first year I realised how hard it would be.
Honestly, if I had known, I think I wouldn’t have taken it on.
Trying to manage the weeds, improve the soil, adding a fence, adding another shed, adding a greenhouse, all the while keeping everything from blowing away in some heavy storms.
I am not trying to talk people into giving up their allotment
It does have many benefits, it supports health, fitness and wellbeing, it can save you money by growing your own fruit and veg and the food tastes so much better.
After a few years and a lot of hard work things start to get established, things do become easier.
Now that I have invested blood, sweat, and tears into the 30ft x 60ft area, I feel I have achieved that balance, effort against return.
What I am trying to say to you all is, please be honest, is this for you, are you prepared to commit all this time and energy to the allotment.
Do you know that especially during the summer you need to spend at least 6 to 8 hours a week to stay on top of the weeding, watering, digging, composting and general management of your plot?
Overall, I have found that balance, but it’s taken me five years to get here.
Just ask yourself do you have the time and commitment to keep this going?
Thanks for reading.
Eddie Plot 5